AA | Anti-Aircraft |
AAW | // warfare |
AAS | Amphibious Assault Ship |
Adm | Admiral |
AEW | Airbone early warning |
AG | Air Group |
AFV | Armored Fighting Vehicle |
AMGB | armoured motor gunboat |
AP | Armor Piercing |
APC | Armored Personal Carrier |
AS | Antisubmarine |
ASM | Air-to-surface Missile |
ASMD | Anti Ship Missile Defence |
ASROC | ASW Rockets |
ASW | Anti Submarine Warfare |
ASWRL | ASW Rocket Launcher |
ATW | ahead thrown weapon |
avgas | Aviation Gasoline |
aw | Above Waterline |
AWACS | Airborne warning & control system |
BB | Battleship |
bhp | brake horsepower |
BL | Breach-loader (gun) |
BLR | Breach-loading, Rifled (gun) |
BU | Broken Up |
c | circa |
CA | Armoured/Heavy cruiser |
Capt. | Captain |
Cal | Caliber or ".php" |
CG | Missile Cruiser |
CIC | Combat Information Center |
C-in-C | Commander in Chief |
CIWS | Close-in weapon system |
CE | Compound Expansion (engine) |
Ch | Chantiers ("Yard", FR) |
CL | Cruiser, Light |
cm | centimeter(s) |
CMB | Coastal Motor Boat |
CMS | Coastal Minesweeper |
CNO | Chief of Naval Operations |
Cp | Compound (armor) |
Co | Company |
COB | Compound Overhad Beam |
CODAG | Combined Diesel & Gas |
CODOG | Combined Diesel/Gas |
COGAG | Combined Gas and Gas |
COGOG | Combined Gas/Gas |
comm | commissioned |
comp | completed |
conv | converted |
convl | conventional |
COSAG | Combined Steam & Gas |
CR | Compound Reciprocating |
CRCR | Same, connecting rod |
CruDiv | Cruiser Division |
CP | Controlled Pitch |
CT | Conning Tower |
CTL | constructive total loss |
CTOL | Conv. Take off & landing |
CTp | Compound Trunk |
cu | cubic |
Cyl | Cylinder(s) |
CV | Aircraft Carrier |
CVA | // Attack |
CVE | // Escort |
CVL | // Light |
CVS | // ASW support |
cwt | Hundredweight |
DA | Direct Action |
DASH | Drone ASW Helicopter |
DC | Depht Charge |
DCT | // Track |
DCR | // Rack |
DCT | // Thrower |
DD | Destroyer/drydock |
DE | Double Expansion |
DE | Destroyer Escort |
DDE | // Converted |
DesRon | Destroyer Squadron |
DF | Double Flux |
D/F | Direction(finding) |
DP | Dual Purpose |
DUKW | Amphibious truck |
DyD | Dockyard |
EOC | Elswick Ordnance Co. |
ECM | Electronic Warfare |
ESM | Electronic support measure |
F | Farenheit |
FCS | Fire Control System |
FF | Frigate |
fps | Feet Per Second |
ft | Feets |
FY | Fiscal Year |
gal | gallons |
GM | Metacentric Height |
GPMG | General Purpose Machine-gun |
GRP | Fiberglass |
GRT | Gross Tonnage |
GUPPY | Greater Underwater Prop.Pow. |
HA | High Angle |
HC | Horizontal Compound |
HCR | // Reciprocating |
HCDA | // Direct Acting |
HCDCR | // connecting rod |
HDA | // direct acting |
HDAC | // acting compound |
HDAG | // acting geared |
HDAR | // acting reciprocating |
HDML | Harbor def. Motor Launch |
H/F | High Frequency |
HF/DF | // Directional Finding |
HMS | Her Majesty Ship |
HN | Harvey Nickel |
HNC | Horizontal non-condensing hp |
HP | High Pressure |
hp | horizontal |
HQ | Headquarter |
HR | Horizontal reciprocating |
HRCR | // connecting rod |
HS | Harbor Service |
HS(E) | Horizontal single (expansion) |
HSET | // trunk |
HT | Horizontal trunk |
HTE | // expansion |
IC | Inverted Compound |
IDA | Inverted direct acting |
IFF | Identification Friend or Foe |
ihp | indicated horsepower |
IMF | Inshore Minesweeper |
in | Inche(s) |
irc | ironclad |
KC | Krupp, cemented |
kg | Kilogram |
KNC | // non cemented |
km | Kilometer |
kt(s) | Knot(s) |
kw | kilowatt |
ib | pound(s) |
LA | Low Angle |
LC | Landing Craft |
LCA | // Assault |
LCAC | // Air Cushion |
LFC | // Flak (AA) |
LCG | // Gunboat |
LCG(L) | /// Large |
LCG(M) | /// Medium |
LCG(S) | /// Small |
LCI | // Infantry |
LCM | // Mechanized |
LCP | // Personel |
LCP(R) | /// Rocket |
LCS | // Support |
LCT | // Tanks |
LCV | // Vehicles |
LCVP | /// Personal |
LCU | // Utility |
loco | locomotive (boiler) |
LSC | Landing ship, support |
LSD | // Dock |
LSF | // Fighter (direction) |
LSM | // Medium |
LSS | // Stern chute |
LST | // Tank |
LSV | // Vehicle |
LP | low pressure |
lwl | lenght waterline |
m | metre(s) |
M | Model |
MA/SB | motor AS boat |
max | maximum |
MG | Machine Gun |
MGB | Motor Gunboat |
MLS | Minelayer/Sweeper |
ML | Motor Launch |
MMS | Motor Minesweper |
MT | Military Transport |
MTB | Motor Torpedo Boat |
HMG | Heavy Machine Gun |
MCM(V) | Mine countermeasure Vessel |
min | minute(s) |
Mk | Mark |
ML | Muzzle loading |
MLR | // rifled |
MSO | Ocean Minesweeper |
mm | millimetre |
NC | non condensing |
nhp | nominal horsepower |
nm | Nautical miles |
N° | Number |
NBC/ABC | Nuc. Bact. Nuclear |
NS | Nickel steel |
NTDS | Nav.Tactical Def.System |
NyD | Naval Yard |
oa | Overall |
OPV | Offshore Patrol Vessel |
PC | Patrol Craft |
PDMS | Point Defence Missile System |
pdr | pounder |
pp | perpendicular |
psi | pounds per square inch |
PVDS | Propelled variable-depth sonar |
QF | Quick Fire |
QFC | // converted |
RAdm | Rear Admiral |
RC | Radio-control/led |
RCR | return connecting rod |
rec | Rectangular |
rev | Revolver |
RF | Rapid Fire |
RPC | Remote Control |
rpg | Round per gun |
SAM | Surface to air Missile |
SAR | Search Air Rescue |
sb | Smoothbore |
SB | Ship Builder |
SC | Sub-chaser (hunter) |
SSBN | Ballistic Missile sub.Nuclear |
SE | Simple Expansion |
SET | // trunk |
SG | Steeple-geared |
shp | Shaft horsepower |
SH | simple horizontal |
SOSUS | Sound Surv. System |
SPR | simple pressure horiz. |
sq | square |
SS | Submarine (Conv.) |
SSM | Surface-surface Missile |
sub | submerged |
sf | steam frigate |
SLBM | Sub.Launched Ballistic Missile |
spf | steam paddle frigate |
STOVL | Short Take off/landing |
SUBROC | Sub.Fired ASW Rocket |
t | ton, long (short in bracket) |
TACAN | Tactical Air Nav. |
TB | Torpedo Boat |
TBD | // destroyer |
TC | Torpedo carriage |
TE | Triple expansion |
TER | // reciprocating |
TF | Task Force |
TGB | Torpedo gunboat |
TG | Task Group |
TL | Torpedo launcher |
TLC | // carriage |
TNT | Trinitroluene |
TS | Training Ship |
TT | Torpedo Tube |
UDT | Underwater Demolition Team |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency |
Vadm | Vice Admiral |
VC | Vertical compound |
VCE | // expansion |
VDE | / double expansion |
VDS | Variable Depth Sonar |
VIC | / inverted compound |
VLF | Very Low Frequency |
VQL | / quadruple expansion |
VSTOL | Vertical/short take off/landing |
VTE | / triple expansion |
VTOL | Vertical take off/landing |
VSE | / Simple Expansion |
wks | Works |
wl | waterline |
WT | Wireless Telegraphy |
x | number of |
Yd | Yard |
GIUK | Greenland-Iceland-UK |
BuShips | Bureau of Ships |
DBM | German Navy League |
GB | Great Britain |
DNC | Directorate of Naval Construction |
EEZ | Exclusive Economic Zone |
FAA | Fleet Air Arm |
FNFL | Free French Navy |
JMSDF | Jap.Mar.Self-Def.Force |
MDAP | Mutual Def.Assistance Prog. |
MSA | Maritime Safety Agency |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Org. |
RAF | Royal Air Force |
RAN | Royal Australian Navy |
RCN | Royal Canadian Navy |
R&D | Research & Development |
RN | Royal Navy |
RNZN | Royal New Zealand Navy |
ussr | Union of Socialist Republics |
UE/EEC | European Union/Comunity |
UN | United Nations Org. |
USN | United States Navy |
WaPac | Warsaw Pact |
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