Posted in WW2 Japanese Navy

IJN Shinano (1944)

IJN armoured aircraft carrier. The world’s largest aircraft carrier The third member of the Yamato super-battleships, IJN Shinano (信濃 –…

Posted in ww2 Royal Navy

HMS Audacity (1941)

HMS Audacity (1941) United Kingdom – (1938-1941) The first British RN Escort Aircraft Carrier The Royal Navy’s first escort carrier…

Posted in WW2 Japanese Navy

Chitose class light fleet aircraft carriers (1940-43)

Imperial Japanese Navy, 1936-44. IJN Chitose, IJN chiyoda Convertible seaplane tenders with a short career The Chitose class were started…

Posted in Swedish-Navy-ww2

HSwMS Gotland (1933)

Seaplane carrier hybrid light cruiser The singular HSwMS Gotland was designed during the interwar as a jack of all trades,…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy ww2 Royal Navy

HMS Argus (1917)

Fleet (later Training) Aircraft Carrier United Kingdom (1914-1944) Forty years of career and two wars To the exception of HMS…

Posted in WW2 Japanese Navy

IJN Taihō (1943)

Imperial Japanese Navy, Fleet Armoured Aircraft Carrier 1941-44. The Imperial Japanese Navy Taihō was a modern Fleet Aircraft Carrier designed…

Posted in WW2 Japanese Navy

Hiyō class fleet aircraft carriers (1941)

Japan, 1938-45: IJN Jun’yō, Hiyō The first IJN converted liners Jun’yō (隼鷹, “Peregrine Falcon”) and Hiyō (飛鷹, “Flying Hawk”) were…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy ww2 Royal Navy

N3 (St Andrews) class Battleships (1918)

N3 class Battleships (1918) United Kingdom (1918-1922) -Unbuilt. The first true British “hyper-dreadnoughts” Comparison G3/N3 The term “super-dreadnought” was already…

Posted in ww2 Kriegsmarine

Dornier Leichte Schnellboote (1942)

Leichte Schnellboote Germany (1942-45) – About 27 LS boats 1936-1945 Genesis of the “light fast (T)boats” The German Leichte Schnellboote…

Posted in WW2 Japanese Navy

Light Aircraft Carrier IJN Ryūhō (1933)

Japan, 1933-45. IJN Ryūhō was one of the five converted light fleet aircraft carriers of the Imperial Japanese Navy (alongside…