Posted in WW1 Japanese Navy WW2 Japanese Navy

Minekaze class destroyers (1918)

Destroyers built 1919-23, Minekaze, Okikaze, Shimakaze, Nadakaze, Tachikaze, Hokaze, Nokaze, Namikaze, Numakaze, Sawakaze, Yakaze, Hakaze, Shiokaze, Akikaze, Yukaze. The Minekaze…

Posted in WW1 French Navy

République class Battleships (1904)

French Navy Pre-Dreadnought Battleship: FS République, Patrie (1901-1905) The many shortcomings of the previous classes, born under the Jeune Ecole…

Posted in ww1 IT destroyers

Giuseppe Sirtori class destroyers (1917)

Regia Marina – 4 destroyers: Giuseppe Sirtori, Giovanni Acerbi, Vincenzo Giordano Orsini, Francesco Stocco 1917-1944 The Giuseppe Sirtori class destroyers…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy ww1 UK DD WW2 UK DDs

Admiralty type (Scott class) flotilla leaders (1917)

UK Royal Navy (1916-1945) 1916 program: HMS Scott, Bruce, Douglas, Campbell, MackKay, Malcolm, Montrose, Stuart (Built 1916-1920). Second part on…

Posted in ww1 UK DD ww2 Royal Navy WW2 UK DDs

Thornycroft Type (Shakespeare class) Destroyer Leaders (1917)

UK Royal Navy (1916-1945) 1916 program: HMS Shakespeare, Spenser, Wallace, Keppel, Rooke, Saunders*, Stragge* (Built 1916-1920). The Shakespeare or “Thornycroft…

Posted in ww1 IT destroyers ww1 Italian Navy

Rosolino Pilo class destroyers (1915)

Regia Marina – 8 destroyers: R.Pilo, G.C.Abba, P.Bronzetti, G.Missori, A.Mosto, I.Nievo, F.Nullo, S.Schiaffino 1914-1944 The Rosolino Pilo class was eight…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy ww1 UK DD

Acheron class destroyers (1911)

UK Royal Navy (1909-1922) 1909 program, I-class 1913: Builder class: HMS Acheron, Archer, Ariel, Attack, Badger, Beaver * Admiralty I…

Posted in 1890 Danish Navy ww1 danish navy

HDMS Iver Hvitfeldt (1886)

Coast Defence Ship built 1884-87, decomm. 1919 Next entry after the ram Tordenskjold. HDMS Iver Hvitfeldt was a coastal defense…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy

Cressy class armoured cruisers (1899)

HMS Cressy, Hogue, Aboukir, Sutlej, Bacchante, Euryalus (1899) The Cressy-class cruisers were a group of six armored cruisers built for…

Posted in ww1 IT destroyers ww1 Italian Navy

Audace (ii) 1916

Regia Marina – Audace (ii) 1917-1944 Audace is one of the most interesting destroyer of the Regia Marina for its…