Posted in ww2 US DDs ww2 US Navy

Porter class destroyers (1935)

Porter class destroyers (1935) USN Flotilla Leader Destroyers (1933-59): Porter, Selfridge, McDougal, Winslow, Phelps, Clark, Moffett, Balch The first interwar…

Posted in ww2 US DDs ww2 US Navy

Farragut class destroyers (1934)

Farragut class Destroyers (1934) US Navy Fleet Destroyers (1933-47): USS Farragut, Dewey, Hull, MacDonough, Worden, Dale, Monaghan, Aylwin Starting anew:…

Posted in ww2 US Navy

Iowa class Battleships (1942)

Iowa class battleships (1942) Battleships (1942-44): USS Iowa (BB-61), New Jersey (BB-62), Missouri (BB 63), Wisconsin (BB 64), Illinois (BB…

Posted in ww2 US Navy

PT Boats (1942-45)

PT-Boats (1942) USA – Circa 500 built (1942-45) WW2 USN PT Boats: Overrated Success ? The “wooden marvels” were known…

Posted in ww2 US Navy

Landing Craft Vehicle & Personnel (1942)

USA – circa 23,492 (1942-45) The Landing Darling (06/06/2022) Few crafts in WW2 were underrated but these “Higgins Boats”. The…

Posted in ww2 US Navy

South dakota class battleships (1941)

South Dakota class battleships (1939) Battleships (1938-42): USS South Dakota (BB-57), Indiana (BB-58), Massachusetts (BB 59), Alabama (BB 60) The…

Posted in ww2 US Navy

Midway class aircraft carriers (1945)

Midway class USA – Fleet Aircraft Carriers (1945-92): USS Midway, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Coral Sea The first USN armoured aircraft…

Posted in ww2 US Navy

Sangamon class escort aircraft carriers (1939)

Sangamon class Escort Aircraft Carriers US Navy 4 ships (Converted, Commissionned Aug. – Sept. 1942): USS Sangamon, Suwanee, Chenango, Santee…

Posted in ww2 US Navy

Essex class aircraft carriers (1942)

US Navy Fleet Aircraft Carriers (1942-50): USS Essex, Yorktown, Intrepid, Hornet, Lexington, Bunker Hill, Wasp, Franklin, Ticonderoga, Randolph, Hancock, Bennington,…

Posted in ww2 US Navy

North Carolina class Battleships (1940)

North Carolina class Battleships Fast Battleships (1940): USS North Carolina (BB-55), Washington (BB-56) The first USN fast battleships USS North…