Posted in ww2 spanish armada

Seaplane carrier Dédalo (1920)

Dédalo (1920) Spanish Armada (1920-1940) The world’s first “helicopter carrier” The title, which is abusive given the hybrid nature of…

Posted in ww2 spanish armada

Cervera class cruisers

Spain 1925-1950 – Principe Alfonso, Almirante Cervera, Miguel de Cervantes The interwar Spanish Cruisers Called different names by historians according…

Posted in ww2 spanish armada

WW2 Spanish Destroyers

Spanish Armada – 25 destroyers (1885-1947) Spanish destroyers: Pioneers From Audaz to Alvaro de Bazan: Argentine ARA Juan de Garay…

Posted in ww2 spanish armada

Blas de Lezo class cruisers (1922)

Spain – Méndez Núñez, Blas de Lezo. The ‘C-class’ Spanish cruisers: Blas de Lezo class Blas de Lezo in 1929…

Posted in ww2 spanish armada

WW2 Spanish Submarines

Spanish Armada – 17 submersibles (1865-1945) Iberian pioneers of Submersibles The submarine has many fathers. Among the pioneering nations, Spain…

Posted in ww2 spanish armada

Canarias class cruisers

Spanish Republic – Nationalists Canarias, Baleares (1936) The Spanish 8-in cruisers The two heavy cruisers Canarias and Baleares were the…

Posted in ww2 spanish armada

Cruiser Navarra (1920)

Spain Reina Victoria Eugenia aka Republica (1931) aka Navarra (1936) Too late for the Great war The Reina Victoria Eugenia…

Posted in Spanish Armada WW1 ww2 spanish armada

España class Battleships (1912)

Spanish Armada Between the great war and civil war After the crushing defeats of 1898 in the hands of the…