Posted in ww1 german navy

Königsberg (ii) class cruisers (1915)

Germany (1914-1920) – SMS Königsberg, Karlsruhe, Emden, Nürnberg The replacement cruisers Painting of the Karlsruhe in Scapa Flow A new,…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Wiesbaden class cruisers (1915)

Germany – SMS Wiesbaden, SMS Frankfurt (1914-1919) Hipper’s Cavalry: Among the light cruisers screening for the Kaiserliches Marine, were the…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Brummer class cruisers (1915)

Germany (1913-1919) – SMS Brummer, Bremse In 1915, the Admiralty decided to start construction in Vulcan, Stettin, of two large…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Pillau class cruisers (1914)

Germany (1914): SMS Pillau, Elbing From Russia, with Love The Pillau class were originally the Russian-ordered Maraviev Amurskyy and Admiral…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Graudenz class cruisers (1914)

Germany (1912-1944) – SMS Graudenz, SMS Regensburg The Graudenz class were another iteration over the now classic kight cruiser formular…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Karlsruhe class cruisers (1912)

German light Cruisers (1911-1914)SMS Karlsruhe, SMS Rostock The last German “four stackers” With the previous Magdeburg class, the Karlsruhe were…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Bayern class battleships (1915)

Bayern class battleships (1915) SMS Bayern, Baden, Sachsen, Württemberg Bayern class: The last German dreadnoughts The battleship “Bayern” does not…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Nautilus class minelayers (1906)

Germany (1906): SMS Nautilus, Albatros The first two specialized German minelayers The Nautilus class were two minelaying cruisers planned for…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Dresden class cruisers

Light Cruisers SMS Dresden, Emden (1908) Two famous ships The Dresden class followed the Königsberg class, but improved in size…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Bremen class Cruisers (1903)

Germany (1902-04) SMS Bremen, Hamburg, Berlin, Lübeck, München, Leipzig, Dantzig The Bremen class: More than just improved Gazelles After the…