Posted in cold war us navy us submarines

Grayback class submarines (1957)

Conventional Cruise Missile Attack Submarines: USS Grayback, Growler SSG-574, 577. 1958-1964. The first US cruise missile submarines Development In the…

Posted in ww1 Russian Navy

WW1 Russian minesweepers

WW1 Soviet Minesweepers, and Minelayers Russian Navy – 900+ minesweepers 1914-19 Introduction: Soviet Mine warfare WWI About early Russian naval…

Posted in ww2 Finnish Navy

Vainamoinen class coastal battleships (1931)

Finnish Navy – Merivoimat 2 Coastal Battleships (1929-1945) Väinämöinen, Ilmarinen Väinämöinen and Ilmarinen were both built at the Crichton-Vulcan shipyard…

Posted in Coldwar Soviet Ships

Krivak class frigates (1970)

Project 1135 Burevestnik (Bditelnyy class) ASW Frigates 33 ASW Frigates, NATO Krivak I, II, III and IV, 1975-1990 Bditelnyy, Bodryy,…

Posted in cold war French ships

La Galissonnière (1960)

French Navy (1962-95), T56 design, D638 The T53 (Duperré) class destroyers succeeded to the the T47 or (Surcouf class), five…

Posted in ww2 US Carriers ww2 US Navy

Saipan class Light Aircraft Carriers

USA (1945) USS Saipan (CVL-48), Wright (CVL-49) – service 1947-1980 Light Carriers based on heavy cruisers Two light carriers, Saipan…

Posted in 1870 Italian Fleet

Principe di Carignano class ironclads (1861)

Italian Regia Marina, 1861-1879: Principe di Carignano, Messina, Conte Verde The Principe di Carignano class were three sister ironclad of…

Posted in WW2 Japanese Navy

Japanese Amphibious Ships

IJA/IJN Amphibious Ships, landing crafts and Landing Forces About 3000+ landing ships, crafts, assault vessels, transport subs and auxiliary carriers…

Posted in Coldwar Soviet Ships

Kirov class Battlecruisers (1977)

Project 1144 Orlan; 4 ships built: Kirov (1980), Frunze (1984), Kalinin (1988), Yuri Andropov (1988), Dzerzhinsky (cancelled). 1992: Admiral Ushakov,…

Posted in cold war us navy

Iowa class (Cold War)

Battleships (1942-44): USS Iowa, New Jersey, Missouri, Wisconsin The only cold war battleships in activity This post must be seen…