Posted in cold war us navy us submarines

T-1 (Mackerel) class submarines (1952)

Conventional Training Submarines: USS Mackerel, Marlin 1953-1973. T-1/T-2 later SST-1/SST-2 The T-1-class submarines were among the smallest operational submarines ever…

Posted in cold war us navy us submarines

Skate class SSN (1957)

Nuclear Attack Submarines: USS Skate, Swordfish, Sargo, Seadragon SSN-578, 579, 583, 584. 1957-1995. The first USN SSN class The Skate…

Posted in cold war us navy us submarines

Grayback class submarines (1957)

Conventional Cruise Missile Attack Submarines: USS Grayback, Growler SSG-574, 577. 1958-1964. The first US cruise missile submarines Development In the…