Author: naval encyclopedia
Essex class (Cold War)
Fleet aircraft carriers – SBC-27, 125 and 144 Programs 17 ships 1943-1990 USS Hornet in 1954 in the Carribean 4…

Delta III class submarines
Project 667BDR ‘Kalmar’ nuclear missile attack submarines 14 ballistic submarines (Delta III). The Delta III class SSBNs of the ex-Soviet,…
Restigouche class destroyers (1954)
Royal Canadian Navy – Restigouche, Chaudière, Gatineau, St. Croix, Kootenay, Terra Nova, Columbia DDE-257 – DDE-260 and DDE-235-36 The Restigouche-class…

Juliett class SSG
Project 651: 16 SSG Conventional Missile Attack submarines (NATO Juliett). Project 651 submarines (NATO Juliett) were conventionally powered cruise-missile launching…
WW2 IJN Gunboats
22 gunboats, 100+ armoured riverine ones. The Imperial Japanese Navy Gunboats: A wide topic encompassing pre-WW1 and WW1 models as…
Type 206 submarines
Bundesmarine, 18 boats: U-192-199, U-170-179 1972-2011 The Type 206 diesel-electric submarines were the next generation of 1970s U-boats developed by…
Georges Leygues class Frigates (1976)
Guided missile Frigates 1976-2022: FS Georges Leygues, Dupleix, Montcalm, Jean de Vienne, Primauguet, La Motte-Picquet, Latouche-Tréville D-640-646 The Georges Leygues…
Astraea class protected cruisers (1893)
United Kingdom (1891-1923) HMS Astraea, Bonaventure, Cambrian, Charybdis, Flora, Forte, Fox, Hermione The Astraea class were provided under the Naval…
SS X1 (1955)
Midget Submarines (1955) (1952-1970) The USN followed British midget subs progresses in 1950, and tested that year the XE-7 on…
Tribal class destroyers (1905)
UK Royal Navy: 12 ships completed: Afridi, Cossack, Ghurka, Mohawk, Tartar, Amazon, Saracen, Crusader, Maori, Nubian, Viking, Zulu (1905-1920) E…