Posted in Austro-Hungarian Navy ww1 warships

Tátra class destroyers (1912)

Austro-Hungarian Navy (1911-1937): Tátra, Balaton, Csepel, Lika, Triglav, Orjen. Ersatz: Triglav(ii), Lika(ii), Dukla, Uszok Tátra class destroyers: SMS Tátra, Balaton,…

Posted in WW1 Japanese Navy

Kasuga class armoured cruisers (1902)

Nihhon Kaigun (1901-1922): Armoured Cruisers IJN Kasuga, Nisshin Italian-Built for an upcoming war Kasuga class armoured cruisers. These Cruisers were…

Posted in Coldwar Soviet Ships

Soviet Missile Corvettes

250 Corvettes: Poti, Nanuchka, Tarantul, Pauk Introduction Corvettes are, yesterday like now, small warships designed for coastal defense or escort…

Posted in cold war us navy us submarines

Skate class SSN (1957)

Nuclear Attack Submarines: USS Skate, Swordfish, Sargo, Seadragon SSN-578, 579, 583, 584. 1957-1995. The first USN SSN class The Skate…

Posted in Cold war Australian Navy

HMAS Melbourne (R21)

RAN Light Fleet Aircraft Carrier (R21), ex-HMS Majestic (1942-82) Australia Day ! HMAS Melbourne (R21) was a Majestic-class light aircraft…

Posted in ww1 Italian Navy ww2 Italian Navy

Mirabello class scouts (1915)

Scouts (Cruisers, then destroyers) Carlo Mirabello, Carlo Alberto Racchia, Augusto Riboty 1916-1951 The Mirabello class were a group of three…

Posted in ww2 Royal Navy

HMS Activity (1942)

United Kingdom – Escort Aircraft Carrier HMS Activity is one of the many one-off converted British escort carrier converted from…

Posted in Coldwar Soviet Ships soviet submarines

Golf class submarines (1957)

Project 629 (NATO “GOLF”) conventional ballistic missile submarines 23 submarines, Projects 629, 629B, 629A, 601, 605, 619, 629R, 6631/031 (1956-1990)…

Posted in cold war us navy

Belknap class Cruisers (1963)

9 cruisers (1964-1995): Belknap, J. Daniels, Wainwright, Jouett, Horne, Sterett, William Standley, Fox, Biddle (DLG-26 to 34). The Belknap class…

Posted in ww2 italian naval aviation

CANT Z.506 Airone (1937)

Standard Observation Seaplane Aviazione Ausiliaria per la Regia Marina 356 built 1937-43 The CANT Z.506 Airone (“Heron”) was a trimotor…

Naval Encyclopedia

Naval Encyclopedia provides a one-stop place for everything related to naval warfare through ships classes, going back to antiquity to the present day, with particular focus on WW1, WW2 and the cold war, with daily articles and weekly fleets. This is a long endeavour, with future entries in opacity both in the top and side menus. Naval encyclopedia also goes through some civilian aspects (clippers, liners, oil platforms, naval tech in general) and battles/tactics as well.

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About Naval Encyclopedia

Naval Encyclopedia is the first online warship museum. She was laid down in St Nazaire Yard back in September 1995, launched in December 1996 and completed in March 1997, with 1000+ crew for now, and counting. Dedicated to the history of all ships of the industrial era and 20th century, so 1820 to 1990, but also earlier times. The main difference for this early period is to study ships types through some famous examples. After her last refit in 2023, the present ship has been repainted anew, modernized and made more appealing, ready for even more extensive service, hopefully staying in the current state for the next five years of service. Further improvements will be made if practicable. Numerous additions over the years also led to a complete machinery overhaul, new steam turbines and propellers.

Other ships from the same Yard