Posted in WW1 Royal Navy ww2 Royal Navy

Hawkins class cruisers (1920)

British Royal Navy (1920): Hawkins, Frobisher, Effingham, Raleigh, Cavendish/Vindictive Named the “Elisabethan Corsairs” due to their names, the Hawkins-class cruisers…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy ww1 UK DD WW2 UK DDs

Admiralty type (Scott class) flotilla leaders (1917)

UK Royal Navy (1916-1945) 1916 program: HMS Scott, Bruce, Douglas, Campbell, MackKay, Malcolm, Montrose, Stuart (Built 1916-1920). Second part on…

Posted in ww1 UK DD ww2 Royal Navy WW2 UK DDs

Thornycroft Type (Shakespeare class) Destroyer Leaders (1917)

UK Royal Navy (1916-1945) 1916 program: HMS Shakespeare, Spenser, Wallace, Keppel, Rooke, Saunders*, Stragge* (Built 1916-1920). The Shakespeare or “Thornycroft…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy ww1 UK DD

Acheron class destroyers (1911)

UK Royal Navy (1909-1922) 1909 program, I-class 1913: Builder class: HMS Acheron, Archer, Ariel, Attack, Badger, Beaver * Admiralty I…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy

Cressy class armoured cruisers (1899)

HMS Cressy, Hogue, Aboukir, Sutlej, Bacchante, Euryalus (1899) The Cressy-class cruisers were a group of six armored cruisers built for…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy ww1 UK DD

Acorn class destroyers (1910)

UK Royal Navy (1909-1922) 1909 program, H-class 1913: HMS Acorn, Alarm, Brisk, Cameleon, Comet, Fury, Goldfinch, Hope, Larne, Lyra, Martin,…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy ww1 UK DD

Beagle class destroyers (1909)

UK Royal Navy (1902-1921) 1908-09 program, G-class 1913: HMS Beagle, Bulldog, Grasshopper, Harpy, Renard, Foxhound, Wolverine, Mosquito, Basilisk, Scourge, Racoon,…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy ww1 uk cruisers

Astraea class protected cruisers (1893)

United Kingdom (1891-1923) HMS Astraea, Bonaventure, Cambrian, Charybdis, Flora, Forte, Fox, Hermione The Astraea class were provided under the Naval…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy ww1 UK DD

Tribal class destroyers (1905)

UK Royal Navy: 12 ships completed: Afridi, Cossack, Ghurka, Mohawk, Tartar, Amazon, Saracen, Crusader, Maori, Nubian, Viking, Zulu (1905-1920) E…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy

Minotaur class Armoured Cruisers (1906)

HMS Minotaur, Defence, Shannon, Orion (cancelled) 1908-1920 The last British Armoured cruisers: The three Minotaur class marked an additional milestone…