Posted in WW1 Royal Navy ww2 Royal Navy

HMS Furious (1917)

HMS Furious (1917) United Kingdom – Aircraft Carrier History’s first aircraft carrier The HMS Furious is like a warship with…

Posted in ww1 Italian Navy

Pisa class armoured cruisers (1907)

Pisa class armoured cruisers (1907) Italy – Regia Marina Pisa, Amalfi Based on the Regina Elena Battleships These two ships…

Posted in ww1 Italian Navy

Regina Elena class battleships (1904)

Regina Elena class battleships (1904) Italy – Regia Marina – Regina Elena, Roma, Vittorio Emmanuele, Napoli The world’s fastest battleships…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy

HMS Ark Royal (1914)

HMS Ark Royal (1914) United Kingdom (1914) – Seaplane Carrier History’s first purpose-built seaplane carrier HMS Ark Royal is a…

Posted in WW1 Japanese Navy

Protected Cruiser Unebi (1886)

Protected Cruiser Unebi (1886) Nihhon Kaigun – Imperial Japanese Navy Unebi, the mystery cruiser: In 1883, Japan was still reeling…

Posted in WW1 French Navy

WW1 French Submarines

WW1 French Submarines About 80 submersibles 1865-1919 Introduction As a matter of fact, submarines like aviation had many fathers. Although…

Posted in ww1 Italian Navy

Umbria class cruisers (1891)

Umbria class cruisers (1891) Italy (1891-98) – Umbria, Lombardia, Etruria, Liguria, Elba, Puglia The “Regionali” class, first Italian-designed protected cruisers…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy

Formidable class battleships (1898)

Formidable class battleships (1898) United Kingdom (1898) Formidable, Irresistible, Implacable, London, Bulwark, Venerable, Queen, Prince of Wales. The improved Canopus…

Posted in WW1 French Navy

Armoured Cruiser Dupuy de Lôme (1890)

France (1890) – Armoured Cruiser The cruiser Dupuy de Lôme was not only the first French armoured cruiser, but also…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy

King George V-class battleship (1911)

King George V-class battleship (1911) United Kingdom (1911) King Georges V, Centurion, Ajax, Audacious If the King George V class…