Posted in 1870 Fleets

IJN Ryūjō (1869)

Japanese Ironclad 1869-1908. The first large sea-going Japanese Ironclad A controversial origin Ryūjō (龍驤, Prancing Dragon), was a British-built ironclad…

Posted in 1870 Spanish Armada

Spanish Broadside Ironclad Numancia (1863)

Spanish Broadside Ironclad (1862-1910) Numancia was a French-built Ironclad, the first “battleship” ever in service with the Armada. She had…

Posted in 1860 fleets 1870 Fleets French 1870 Fleet

Gloire (1859)

The world’s first ironclad France 1858-1880, Broadside Ironclad Origin of the ironclad concept The naval staff under the 2nd French…

Posted in 1870 Fleets

Royal Navy 1870

British Empire (1850-1870) About 350 ships In full transition: The Royal Navy in 1870 In 1870 the Royal Navy experience…