Author: naval encyclopedia
Fairey Firefly
Carrier Based Multirole Fighter Fleet Air Arm, 1,702 built 1942-53. Fairey Firefly: As we just saw the Attacker class, which…
Attacker class Escort Aircraft Carriers (1941)
Royal Navy – Escort Aircraft Carriers (1941-43)HMS Attacker, Battler, Chaser, Fencer, Hunter, Pursuer, Ravager, Searcher, Stalker, Striker, Tracker The 11…
Muntenia (Mărășești) (1981)
Missile Frigate built 1979-85, pending decommission Other names: Muntenia as built, Timișoara 1990, Mărășești (F111) 1986, active. Currently no longer…
Acorn class destroyers (1910)
UK Royal Navy (1909-1922) 1909 program, H-class 1913: HMS Acorn, Alarm, Brisk, Cameleon, Comet, Fury, Goldfinch, Hope, Larne, Lyra, Martin,…
Hydra class ironclads (1886)
Coastal ironclads Build 1885-1892: RHN Hydra, Spetsai, Psara 1892-1929 Hydra, Spetsai and Psara were ordered as coast defence ironclads in…
Triton (T) class Submersibles (1937)
Oceanic Submersibles 1932-1945: 53 total. Group I 1935-38: Triton, Thunderbolt, Tribune, Trident, Triumph, Taku, Tarpon, Thistle, Tigris, Triad, Truant, Tuna,…
1934A type destroyers
Nazi Germany: Z5-Z16 (1936-1945) The Z5 class or 1934A Zerstörer (destroyers) were twelve fleet destroyers built in the mid-1930s for…
Hamidiye (1903)
Ottoman Empire/Turkey – 1901-1952 (1903) If Hamidiye and Mecidiye are often paired by most authors as the cornerstone of Turkish…
Narval class submarines (1956)
Conventional Attack Submarines (S631 – S638). Service 1957-1987: Narval, Marsouin, Dauphin, Requin, Espadon, Morse. For this new cycle about French…
New Fleet ! The Peruvian Navy in WW2
Marina de Guerra del Perú 1920-1945 2(3*) cruisers, 2(3*) destroyers, 4(6*) submarines, 3 gunboats, 30 auxiliaries and small patrol vessels…