Posted in British Fleet Air Arm

Fairey Firefly

Carrier Based Multirole Fighter Fleet Air Arm, 1,702 built 1942-53. Fairey Firefly: As we just saw the Attacker class, which…

Posted in ww2 Royal Navy

Attacker class Escort Aircraft Carriers (1941)

Royal Navy – Escort Aircraft Carriers (1941-43)HMS Attacker, Battler, Chaser, Fencer, Hunter, Pursuer, Ravager, Searcher, Stalker, Striker, Tracker The 11…

Posted in Romanian Navy

Muntenia (Mărășești) (1981)

Missile Frigate built 1979-85, pending decommission Other names: Muntenia as built, Timișoara 1990, Mărășești (F111) 1986, active. Currently no longer…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy ww1 UK DD

Acorn class destroyers (1910)

UK Royal Navy (1909-1922) 1909 program, H-class 1913: HMS Acorn, Alarm, Brisk, Cameleon, Comet, Fury, Goldfinch, Hope, Larne, Lyra, Martin,…

Posted in Greek-Navy

Hydra class ironclads (1886)

Coastal ironclads Build 1885-1892: RHN Hydra, Spetsai, Psara 1892-1929 Hydra, Spetsai and Psara were ordered as coast defence ironclads in…

Posted in ww2 British subs ww2 Royal Navy

Triton (T) class Submersibles (1937)

Oceanic Submersibles 1932-1945: 53 total. Group I 1935-38: Triton, Thunderbolt, Tribune, Trident, Triumph, Taku, Tarpon, Thistle, Tigris, Triad, Truant, Tuna,…

Posted in ww2 german DDs ww2 Kriegsmarine

1934A type destroyers

Nazi Germany: Z5-Z16 (1936-1945) The Z5 class or 1934A Zerstörer (destroyers) were twelve fleet destroyers built in the mid-1930s for…

Posted in Turkish Ottoman Navy

Hamidiye (1903)

Ottoman Empire/Turkey – 1901-1952 (1903) If Hamidiye and Mecidiye are often paired by most authors as the cornerstone of Turkish…

Posted in cold war French ships

Narval class submarines (1956)

Conventional Attack Submarines (S631 – S638). Service 1957-1987: Narval, Marsouin, Dauphin, Requin, Espadon, Morse. For this new cycle about French…

Posted in Uncategorized

New Fleet ! The Peruvian Navy in WW2

Marina de Guerra del Perú 1920-1945 2(3*) cruisers, 2(3*) destroyers, 4(6*) submarines, 3 gunboats, 30 auxiliaries and small patrol vessels…