Posted in ww1 Russian Navy

Imperator Aleksandr II-class battleship

Russian Battleships; Imperator Aleksandr II, Imperator Nikolai I (1885-91) The Imperator Alexandr II class were two pre-dreadnought battleships built for…

Posted in WW1 Japanese Navy WW2 Japanese Navy

Minekaze class destroyers (1918)

Destroyers built 1919-23, Minekaze, Okikaze, Shimakaze, Nadakaze, Tachikaze, Hokaze, Nokaze, Namikaze, Numakaze, Sawakaze, Yakaze, Hakaze, Shiokaze, Akikaze, Yukaze. The Minekaze…

Posted in ww2 Royal Navy WW2 UK DDs

A/B class destroyers (1929)

Royal Navy (1928-31) A class: HMS Acasta, Achates, Active, Antelope, Anthony, Ardent, Arrow, Acheron Canadian A class: HMCS Saguenay, Skeena…

Posted in ww2 IT subs ww2 Italian Navy

Ettore Fieramosca (1929)

Oceanic Submersible (1927-41) Ettore Fieramosca was designed by Bernardis as a cruiser submarine capable initially to carry a seaplane in…

Posted in cold war us navy us submarines

James Madison class SSBN (1963)

Nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (built 1963-64), service 1964-1994: James Madison, Tecumseh, Daniel Boone, John C. Calhoun, Ulysses S. Grant, Von…

Posted in Cold War RCAN

Mackenzie class destroyer (1961)

Royal Canadian Navy – Mackenzie, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Qu’Appelle DDE-261 – DDE-264 The Mackenzie-class destroyer was four Royal Canadian Navy and…

Posted in cold war spanish navy

Príncipe de Asturias (1982)

Aircraft Carrier (Built from 1978, service 1988-2013) The Príncipe de Asturias, originally named Almirante Carrero Blanco, was a light aircraft…

Posted in Cold War RCAN cold war UK subs

Upholder class submarines (1986)

Conventional Attack Submarines 1982-1994 Upholder, Unseen, Ursula, Unicorn The Upholder class submarines, also “Type 2400” due to their displacement, were…

Posted in Prussian 1870 Fleet

SMS Friedrich Carl (1867)

Prussian Navy – Ironclad 1866-1899 SMS Friedrich Carl was a broadside ironclad of mixed construction built for the Prussian Navy in…

Posted in WW1 French Navy

République class Battleships (1904)

French Navy Pre-Dreadnought Battleship: FS République, Patrie (1901-1905) The many shortcomings of the previous classes, born under the Jeune Ecole…