Posted in ww1 german navy ww1 Uboats

U31 class U-Boats (1914)

Germany (1913-1919) U-31 to U-41, launched/commissioned 1914-15 U 31 class subs. Fourth entry after U1 and the UB series. The…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Helgoland class Battleships (1909)

Germany (1912) Helgoland, Ostfriesland, Thüringen, Oldenburg The Helgoland class Battleships were very similar to the previous Nassau, first generation of…

Posted in ww1 german navy

U1 (1906)

German Empire (1906-1919, preserved 1921) Experimental U-Boat The first U-Boat The path towards 1914 U-Boats started somewhat later than other…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Victoria Luise class Protected cruisers (1897)

German Empire (1896) Victoria Luise, Freya, Vineta, Herta, Hansa The first Class of German Protected cruisers: The second class of…

Posted in ww1 german navy

UB-III class submersibles (1916)

German Empire – 200 submarines, 96 comp. UB-48 to UB-155 The UB-III became the mainstay of the the German submarine…

Posted in ww1 german navy

UB-II class submersibles (1915)

UB-2 class (1915-18) German Empire – 30 submarines, UB-18 to UB-47 UB-45 underway in 1916 The UB-II class. Second part…

Posted in ww1 german navy

UB-1 class submersibles (1914)

UB-1 class (1914-18) German Empire – 20 submarines, UB-1 to UB-17, Austro U-10 to U-17, SM UB-3 to UB-14 The…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Cöln class cruisers (1916)

Germany: SMS Cöeln(ii), Dresden(ii), Wiesbaden(ii), Magdeburg(ii), Leipzig(ii), Rostock(ii), Frauenlob(ii), Ersatz Cöln, Ersatz Emden, Ersatz Karlsruhe (1916-1919) Coeln class cruisers 1916:…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Königsberg (ii) class cruisers (1915)

Germany (1914-1920) – SMS Königsberg, Karlsruhe, Emden, Nürnberg The replacement cruisers Painting of the Karlsruhe in Scapa Flow A new,…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Wiesbaden class cruisers (1915)

Germany – SMS Wiesbaden, SMS Frankfurt (1914-1919) Hipper’s Cavalry: Among the light cruisers screening for the Kaiserliches Marine, were the…