Posted in cold war us navy us submarines

Benjamin Franklin class (1964)

Nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (1962-66), service 1965-1999: (SSBN-616-659). The Benjamin Franklin is considered a sub-class of the larger Lafayette class,…

Posted in cold war us navy us submarines

USS Halibut (1959)

The Only Nuclear-Powered Cruise Missile US Sub Nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (1957-60), service 1960-1976 as SSGN-587 USS Halibut (SSGN-587) was…

Posted in cold war French ships

Gymnote (1964)

Conventional Ballistic Submarine (Built 1963-66). Service 1966-1986. Gymnote (S655) was an experimental submarine of the French Navy, a conventional model…

Posted in cold war Italian Navy

Luigi Durand de la Penne class destroyer

The last Italian Guided Missiles Destoryers Built 1989-93: Luigi Durand de la Penne, Francesco Mimbelli 1993-2024/25 Italy Day ! The…

Posted in Coldwar Soviet Ships soviet submarines

Typhoon class submarines

Project 941 Akula nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines 6 ballistic submarines built 1976-89: TK-208, 202, 12, 13, 47, 20, 210…

Posted in Cold war British Ships cold war UK subs

Resolution class SSBN (1966)

Nuclear Ballistic Submarines 1964-1968 S22 Resolution, S23 Repulse, S26 Renown, S27 Revenge in service until 1996 The Resolution class were…

Posted in Coldwar Soviet Ships

Grisha class Corvettes (1977)

92 planned, 86 completed under Project 1124 Al’batros Technically, the Grisha class ships were corvettes, not Frigates which were supposed…

Posted in cold war us navy us submarines

James Madison class SSBN (1963)

Nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (built 1963-64), service 1964-1994: James Madison, Tecumseh, Daniel Boone, John C. Calhoun, Ulysses S. Grant, Von…

Posted in Cold War RCAN

Mackenzie class destroyer (1961)

Royal Canadian Navy – Mackenzie, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Qu’Appelle DDE-261 – DDE-264 The Mackenzie-class destroyer was four Royal Canadian Navy and…

Posted in cold war spanish navy

Príncipe de Asturias (1982)

Aircraft Carrier (Built from 1978, service 1988-2013) The Príncipe de Asturias, originally named Almirante Carrero Blanco, was a light aircraft…