Posted in cold war spanish navy

Audaz class Frigate (1955)

DDEs before 1955: Audaz, Osado, Meteoro, Furor, Rayo, Ariete, Temerario, Intrépido, Relámpago (1953-1982) The Audaz class had a rather unique…

Posted in Coldwar Soviet Ships soviet submarines

VICTOR II class submarine (1972)

Project 671RT Syomga (NATO “VICTOR II”) nuclear attack submarines 7 nuclear attack submarines (SSN): B-387, 371, 467, 488, 495, 513,…

Posted in Cold war British Ships CW UK frigates

Rapid (Type 15) class Frigates (1951)

Royal Navy – 23 ships converted, service 1951-1977 HMS Rapid, Relentless, Rocket, Roebuck, Troubridge, Grenville, Ulster, Ulysses, Undaunted, Undine, Urania,…

Posted in Cold war Australian Navy

Tobruk class Destroyer

RAN Destroyers: DD37-38 HMAS Tobruk, Anzac (1946-53) Australia Day ! We continue a new chapter here, the Australian Cold war…

Posted in Cold War RCAN

Iroquois class helicopter destroyer (1970)

Royal Canadian Navy – DDH-280-83 HMCS Iroquois, Huron, Athabaskan, Algonquin. The “Tribals” were a class of Canadian helicopter destroyers, radically…

Posted in soviet submarines

Victor I class submarine (1965)

Project 671 Yorsh (NATO “VICTOR I”) nuclear attack submarines 15 submarines: K-38, 69, 147, 53, 306, 323, 370, 438, 367,…

Posted in brazilian navy

Amazonas class Destroyer (1943)

Marinha do Brasil: 6 Destroyers built 1940-51, service until 1974 In short, the Acre class were the first modern destroyers…

Posted in cold war us navy

Arleigh Burke class destroyer (1989)

Guided Missiles Destroyers 74 ships (90 planned) DD 963-DD 997 1988-2030 Flight I, II, IIa, III What else to close…

Posted in Coldwar Soviet Ships soviet submarines

Alfa class submarine (1969)

Project 705 Lira (NATO “ALFA”) nuclear attack submarines 7 submarines: K-64, K-123, K-316, K-432, K-373, K-493, K-463 The world’s fastest…

Posted in Cold war British Ships UK CW carriers

Invincible class Aircraft Carrier (1977)

Royal Navy 3 Light Aircraft Carriers built 1973-85: HMS Invincible, Illustrious, Ark Royal R05-07 (decommissioned 2011-2017). The Invincible class was…