Posted in WW2 Soviet Naval Aviation

Chyetverikov MDR-6

1937-43: 44 built. The Chyetverikov MDR-6 was a 1930s Soviet Union reconnaissance flying-boat aircraft, and the only successful aircraft designed…

Posted in Indonesian Navy

Fatahilla class Corvettes (1978)

Missile Corvettes (Built Fijenoord 1978-80): KRI Fatahillah (361), KRI Malahayati (362) KRI Nala (363) The Fatahillah class corvettes in service…

Posted in 1890 fleets ww1 US Navy

USS Chicago (1885)

Protected Cruiser (1885) USS Chicago was a protected cruiser of the United States Navy and largest of the three cruisers…

Posted in 1890 Danish Navy ww1 danish navy

HDMS Iver Hvitfeldt (1886)

Coast Defence Ship built 1884-87, decomm. 1919 Next entry after the ram Tordenskjold. HDMS Iver Hvitfeldt was a coastal defense…

Posted in cold war us navy us submarines

Ethan Allen class SSBN (1960)

Nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (1958-61), service 1961-1990: Ethan Allen, Sam Houston, Thomas A. Edison, John Marshall, Thomas Jefferson (SSBN-608 –…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy

Cressy class armoured cruisers (1899)

HMS Cressy, Hogue, Aboukir, Sutlej, Bacchante, Euryalus (1899) The Cressy-class cruisers were a group of six armored cruisers built for…

Posted in Prussian 1870 Fleet

SMS Prinz Adalbert (1864)

Prussian Navy – Ironclad Ram 1866-1871 Prinz Adalbert & Prussian Navy 1870. A new cycle opens with a Navy that…

Posted in ww2 British subs ww2 Royal Navy

Amphion class submersibles (1945)

Oceanic Submersibles 1945-1974: 46 ordered Programme 1943, 16 completed: Amphion, Astute, Auriga, Aurochs, Alcide, Alderney, Alliance, Ambus, Anchorite, Andrew, Affray,…

Posted in ww1 IT destroyers ww1 Italian Navy

Audace (ii) 1916

Regia Marina – Audace (ii) 1917-1944 Audace is one of the most interesting destroyer of the Regia Marina for its…

Posted in Coldwar Soviet Ships soviet submarines

Delta IV class submarines

Project 667BDRM Delfin nuclear missile attack submarines 7 ballistic submarines (Delta IV) built 1981-90: K-51, 84, 64, 114, 117, 18,…