Posted in ww2 german DDs ww2 Kriegsmarine

Type 24 torpedo boat

Germany (Reichsmarine): 1925-28: Wolf, Iltis, Jaguar, Leopard, Luchs, Tiger The Type 24 torpedo boat (or Raubtier class (‘Carnivorous’) were six…

Posted in Coldwar Soviet Ships soviet submarines

VICTOR III class submarine (1977)

Project 671RTM/RTMK Shchuka (NATO “VICTOR III”) nuclear attack submarines 25 submarines: К-524, К-254, К-502, К-527, К-298, К-358, К-299, К-244, К-247,…

Posted in Prussian 1870 Fleet

SMS König Wilhelm

Prussian Navy – Ironclad 1869-1921 SMS König Wilhelm or “King William” was an armored frigate ordered by the Prussian Navy and…

Posted in WW1 US Cruisers

Denver class cruiser

USA (1900-1905) Service until 1930: Protected Cruisers: USS Denver, Des Moines, Chattanooga, Galveston, Tacoma, Cleveland C-14-19/PG 28-33/CL-16-21. A bit forgotten…

Posted in ww2 IT subs

Foca class submarine

Minelaying Submersibles: Foca, Atropo, Zoea (1936-47) The Foca class were three minelaying submarines (sommergibili posamine) of the Regia Marina, sister…

Posted in French Navy 1890

Sfax (1884)

Marine Nationale Protected cruiser, 1887-1906 Sfax was the first Protected Cruiser of the French Marine Nationale, a topic opening a…

Posted in Cold War RCAN

Halifax class Frigate (1988)

Royal Canadian Navy – FFH-330-341 HMCS Halifax, Vancouver, Ville de Québec, Toronto, New Brunswick, Regina, Calgary, Montréal, Fredericton, Winnipeg, Charlottetown,…

Posted in 1870 Royal Navy

HMS Vesuvius (1874)

United Kingdom: 1874-1923 Experimental torpedo boat HMS Vesuvius was an experimental torpedo-armed warship in service with the British Royal Navy,…

Posted in ww1 Uboats

U5 class (1910)

Germany: SM U5, U6, U7, U8 (1910-1915) Development The short-lived U5 class was a simple evolution of the U3 class…

Posted in ww2 USN Aviation

Curtiss F11C Goshawk

US Navy Fighter, 27 USN, +3 protos +129 exports The Curtiss F11C Goshawk is now a somewhat forgotten USN naval…