Posted in ww2 IT subs ww2 Italian Navy

Pisani class submersibles (1928)

Coastal Submersibles: Giovanni Bausan, Marcantonio Colonna, Des Geneys, Vettor Pisani (1926-29) The Pisani-class submarines were built for the Regia Marina…

Posted in 1890 fleets austria hungary 1890

SMS Lissa (1869)

Austro-Hungarian Navy central battery ironclad (1871-1892) We start a new cycle dedicated to the Austro-Hungarian Navy until 1900 (the topic…

Posted in cold war us navy us submarines

Sturgeon class submarines (1966)

Nuclear-powered attack submarines (1960-69), service 1961-1993: USS Sturgeon, Whale, Tautog, Grayling, Pogy, Aspro, Sunfish, Pargo, Queenfish, Puffer, Ray, Sand Lance,…

Posted in ww2 British subs ww2 Royal Navy

HMS Dreadnought (1960)

United Kingdom, Nuclear Powered Attack Submarine (1963-1980). For the seventh use of the world’s famous name “dreadnought” UK saw its…

Posted in ww2 Royal Navy ww2 UK Aircraft Carriers

Ameer (Ruler) class Aircraft Carriers

Royal Navy – Escort Aircraft Carriers (1942-44)HMS Slinger, Atheling, Emperor, Ameer, Begum, Trumpeter, Empress, Khedive, Speaker, Nabob, Premier, Shah, Patroller,…

Posted in ww2 USN Aviation

Martin T3M (1926)

US Navy Torpedo Bomber (1926-32), 124 built. The Martin T3M is a 1926 carrier-borne torpedo bomber, introduced a year before…

Posted in ww1 IT destroyers ww1 Italian Navy

Rosolino Pilo class destroyers (1915)

Regia Marina – 8 destroyers: R.Pilo, G.C.Abba, P.Bronzetti, G.Missori, A.Mosto, I.Nievo, F.Nullo, S.Schiaffino 1914-1944 The Rosolino Pilo class was eight…

Posted in brazilian navy

Barroso class cruisers (1951)

Marinha do Brasil: Light Cruisers Almirante Barroso, Almirante Tamandaré 1951-1980 Almirante Barroso and Tamandaré were the last cruisers of Brazil….

Posted in Cold war British Ships cold war UK subs

Oberon class submarines (1959)

United Kingdom (1958-68) – HMS Oberon Odin Orpheus, Olympus, Osiris, Onslaught, Otter, Oracle, Ocelot, Otus, Opossum, Opportune, Onyx, Onyx (1960-1995)….

Posted in cold war us navy

Ticonderoga class Cruisers (1981)

27 Cruisers 1980-1994, in service today (5 scrapped): Ticonderoga, Yorktown, Vincennes, Valley Forge, Thomas S. Gates, Bunker Hill, Mobile Bay,…