Posted in ww2 Royal Navy

Castle class corvettes (1943)

United Kingdom/Canada – (1940-45): 44 ships, 95 planned, 51 cancelled. We saw the Flower class corvettes in detail back in…

Posted in WW2 UK DDs

C/D class destroyers (1931)

Royal Navy (1930-34) C class: HMS Comet, Crusader, Cygnet, Crescent (To Canada) C class Leader: HMS Kempenfelt D-class: HMS Dainty,…

Posted in ww2 British subs

U class submarine (1937)

Light Submersibles 1932-1945: 49 built, Unity class, Group II, III Group I: HMS Undine, Unity, Ursula The U-class submarines, also…

Posted in ww2 Royal Navy WW2 UK DDs

A/B class destroyers (1929)

Royal Navy (1928-31) A class: HMS Acasta, Achates, Active, Antelope, Anthony, Ardent, Arrow, Acheron Canadian A class: HMCS Saguenay, Skeena…

Posted in ww2 RN cruisers ww2 Royal Navy

Abdiel class minelayers (1940)

Minelayer cruisers – HMS Abdiel, Latona, Manxman, Welshman, Ariadne, Apollo The Abdiel class were six fast minelayers (cruisers) commissioned during…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy ww1 UK DD WW2 UK DDs

Admiralty type (Scott class) flotilla leaders (1917)

UK Royal Navy (1916-1945) 1916 program: HMS Scott, Bruce, Douglas, Campbell, MackKay, Malcolm, Montrose, Stuart (Built 1916-1920). Second part on…

Posted in ww1 UK DD ww2 Royal Navy WW2 UK DDs

Thornycroft Type (Shakespeare class) Destroyer Leaders (1917)

UK Royal Navy (1916-1945) 1916 program: HMS Shakespeare, Spenser, Wallace, Keppel, Rooke, Saunders*, Stragge* (Built 1916-1920). The Shakespeare or “Thornycroft…

Posted in ww2 British subs ww2 Royal Navy

HMS Dreadnought (1960)

United Kingdom, Nuclear Powered Attack Submarine (1963-1980). For the seventh use of the world’s famous name “dreadnought” UK saw its…

Posted in ww2 Royal Navy ww2 UK Aircraft Carriers

Ameer (Ruler) class Aircraft Carriers

Royal Navy – Escort Aircraft Carriers (1942-44)HMS Slinger, Atheling, Emperor, Ameer, Begum, Trumpeter, Empress, Khedive, Speaker, Nabob, Premier, Shah, Patroller,…

Posted in ww2 RN cruisers ww2 Royal Navy

Tiger class cruisers (1945)

United Kingdom (1945) – HMS Blake, Tiger, Lion 1959-78. The Tiger class were three and last light conventional cruisers built…