Posted in WW1 US Cruisers

Denver class cruiser

USA (1900-1905) Service until 1930: Protected Cruisers: USS Denver, Des Moines, Chattanooga, Galveston, Tacoma, Cleveland C-14-19/PG 28-33/CL-16-21. A bit forgotten…

Posted in WW1 US Cruisers ww1 US Navy

New Orleans-class cruiser (1896)

USA (1896): Protected Cruiser CL-22 New Orleans, CL-23 Albany 1897-1930 The New Orleans class were two protected cruisers initially built…

Posted in WW1 US Cruisers ww1 US Navy

Columbia class cruiser (1892)

USA (1890-94): Protected Cruiser C-12 Columbia, C-13 Minneapolis 1894-1921 The Columbia-class were two protected cruisers started in 1890 and 1891…