Posted in ww1 german navy

Bussard class cruisers (1890)

SMS Bussard, Falke, Seeadler, Condor, Cormoran, Geier The last German sailing Cruisers In 1914, among the oldest vessels of the…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Siegfried class battleships (1889)

Siegfried class battleships (1889) Germany (1889) Siegfried, Beowulf, Frithjof, Heimdall, Hildebrand, Hagen, Odin, ägir A first step for a young…

Posted in ww1 german navy

SMS Hela (1895)

Germany, Aviso-Cruiser, 1895-1914 The Kaiserliche Marine’s last Aviso SMS Hela was surely the oldest active German cruiser in service when…

Posted in ww1 german navy

WW1 German Submarines (U-Boats)

Germany (1901-1918) About 630 subs* The invention of submarine warfare: Germany did not invented the submarine but its use in…

Posted in ww1 german navy

SMS Blücher (1908)

Germany (1908) Armored Cruiser The first German Battlecruiser ? According to Conway’s all the world fighting ships 1906-1921 and many…

Posted in ww1 german navy

SMS Kaiserin Augusta (1892)

Posted in ww1 german navy

Braunschweig class battleships (1902)

Braunschweig class battleships (1902) Germany (1906) Battleships Braunschweig, Elsass, Hessen, Prussen, Lothringen Improved pre-dreadnoughts with three funnels The Braunschchweig were…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Gazelle class cruisers (1898)

Germany (1898) SMS Gazelle, Niobe, Nymphe, Thetis, Ariadne, Amazone, Medusa, Frauenlob, Arcona, Undine The first modern light cruisers: The Gazelle…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Scharnhorst class armoured cruisers (1906)

Germany (1906) Scharnhorst, Gneisenau The last German armoured cruisers: Before the ones you probably know better from ww2, the Scharnhorst…

Posted in ww1 german navy

Kaiser Friedrich III class Battleships

Kaiser Friedrich III class Battleships Germany (1896) Friedrich III, Wilhelm II, Wilhelm der Grosse, Karl der Grosse, Barbarossa The “Emperors”…