Posted in Cold War Dutch Navy

Kortenaer class Frigates (1976)

Koninklijke Marine Frigates: Frigate 75 Programme, Built 1975-83. HNLMS Kortenaer, Egbert Bartholomeusz, Callenburgh, Van Kinsbergen, Banckert, Piet Hein, Peter Florisz,…

Posted in Cold War Dutch Navy

Tromp class Frigates (1973)

Koninklijke Marine Frigates: Frigate 66 Programme, Built 1971-76. HNLMS Tromp (F801), De Ruyter (F806), in service 1976-2001 The Tromp class…

Posted in Cold War Dutch Navy

HNLMS Karel Doorman

Koninklijke Marine Aircraft Carrier 1948-1968 Dutch National Day ! HNLMS Karel Doorman (R81) was the only cold war Dutch aircraft…

Posted in Cold War Dutch Navy

Friesland class destroyers (1956)

Koninklijke Marine Destroyers: Onderzeebootjager Typ 47B (later Typ 49), Built 1951-56. HNLMS Friesland, Groningen, Limburg, Overijssel, Drenthe, Utrecht, Rotterdam, Amsterdam…

Posted in Cold War Dutch Navy

Holland class destroyers (1953)

Koninklijke Marine Destroyers: Onderzeebootjager Typ 47A, Built 1950-55. HNLMS Holland, Zeeland, Noord-Brabant, Gelderland (D808-811) service 1954-79 Holland class destroyers: The…

Posted in Cold War Dutch Navy

De Zeven Provinciën class Cruisers (1944)

The Netherlands – 1939-2020 HNLMS De Ruyter, De Zeven Provinciën The world’s last gun cruisers. Started before the war in…