Posted in ww1 german navy

Victoria Luise class Protected cruisers (1897)

German Empire (1896) Victoria Luise, Freya, Vineta, Herta, Hansa The first Class of German Protected cruisers: The second class of…

Posted in cold war spanish navy

Dédalo (1967)

Spanish Aircraft Carrier (1967-1989) The Dédalo (1967) was Spain’s second aircraft carrier, after her namesake (1922-1947) being more a seaplane…

Posted in ww2 US DDs ww2 US Navy

Fletcher class destroyers (1942)

US Navy 174 Fleet Destroyers (1942-44) (no list submitted). The Fletchers are probably the best-remembered destroyers of the USN during…

Posted in ww2 French Naval Aviation

Loire 130 (1934)

Aéronautique Navale: 125 built total 1934-1941 The Main French Catapulted Observation Floatplane The Loire 130 came from a request in…

Posted in cold war us navy

Tang class submarines (1951)

US Navy Attack Submarines (SSK) 1949-1984 The Tang class submarines were the first generation postwar diesel attack submarines. Unlike the…

Posted in ww2 Kriegsmarine

WW2 German Cruisers

Kriegsmarine Kreuzer 17* cruisers between the Reichsmarine and 1945 Germany Day ! The development of ww2 german cruisers started in…

Posted in Cold war British Ships

Centaur class Aircraft Carriers (1947)

United Kingdom: 4 aircraft carriers: HMS Albion, Centaur, Bulwark, Hermes, 4 more cancelled The first postwar British aircraft carriers First…

Posted in Coldwar Soviet Ships

Kotlin class destroyers (1958)

Project 56, 56A, 56M (1958-1988) 27 conventional, ASW and missile destroyers The Kotlin (project 56) are the first “true” post-war…

Posted in British Fleet Air Arm

Fairey Albacore

Fleet Air Arm Torpedo Bomber Reconnaissance Carrier-based biplane (1938-1943) RNAS/FAA 1940-49: 800 built. The Fairey Albacore (“Applecore”) is a single-engine…

Posted in cold war us navy

Galveston (CLG) class Missile Cruisers (1958)

Cleveland class Missile Conversion SBC 140/140A 146/46A US Navy 1958-79: Galveston & Providence subclasses: USS Galveston, Little Rock, Oklahoma City,…